IBM Certification Exam Dumps

We have all the major IBM certification dumps listed below. Just write a mail to us with exam code which you want to give. We'll reply to you for the further process on mail.

IBM System Administration Certification:

  1. C2180-184: IBM WebSphere Message Broker V7.0, System Administration
  2. C4040-221:  AIX 7 Administration
  3. C2180-277: IBM WebSphere Message Broker V8.0 System Administration
  4. C2180-318: IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment V8.5 Core Administration
  5. C2180-374: IBM WebSphere MQ V7.0, System Administration
  6. C2180-377: IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment V7.0, Core Administration

IBM DB2 Certification:

  1. C2090-541: DB2 9.7 DBA for Linux UNIX and Windows
  2. C2090-545: DB2 9.7 SQL Procedure Developer
  3. C2090-610: DB2 10.1 Fundamentals
  4. C2090-612: DB2 10 DBA for z/OS
  5. C2090-614: DB2 10.1 Advanced DBA for Linux UNIX and Windows
  6. C2090-730: DB2 9 Family Fundamentals

IBM Deployment & Development Certification:

  1. C2140-130: IBM Rational ClearCase v7.1
  2. C2180-271: IBM Business Process Manager Advanced V7.5.1, Deployment
  3. C2180-276: IBM Business Process Manager Express or Standard Edition V8.0, BPM Application Development
  4. C2180-608: IBM WebSphere Process Server V7.0, Deployment
  5. C2030-283:  Foundations of IBM Cloud Computing Architecture V3
  6. Test  664:     SOA Fundamentals
  7. C2050-724: IBM WebSphere Commerce V7.0, System Administration
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